The Club offers two types of Memberships
Individual Membership
Corporate Membership
All categories of membership are currently closed. Individual Memberships are available from the open market.
Monthly Subscription Fee (Individual)
Principal Member: S$87.20 w/GST
Supplementary Member: S$43.60 w/GST
Junior Member: S$21.80 w/GST
Guest Fee
S$5.45 w/GST per Guest for each facility except The Gym, which is open to Members only.
Food & Beverage Deposit
A Food & Beverage Deposit, currently set at S$500.00, is required. The amount applies to all Members, whether with or without Supplementary Junior Membership.
Supplementary Membership
A Supplementary Member shall be the legal spouse, family member, or fiancé/fiancée, age 21 years and above, of the Principal Member. A Supplementary Member is accorded the same privileges as the Principal Ordinary Member and subject to the Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws in the same manner as the Principal Ordinary Member.
Junior Membership
The Junior Member must be between 15 and 20 years of age. A Junior Member is accorded the same privileges as the Principal Ordinary Member and subject to the Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws in the same manner as the Principal Ordinary Member except the following:
The Junior Member has access to The Gym only during off-peak hours.
The Junior Member is not allowed to sign in any guest at all the Club’s Sports and Recreations Facilities.
He/she is not allowed to book the Club’s Card Rooms and all Hotel Rooms and Suites.
If the Junior Member is below 18 years of age, he/she is prohibited from purchasing tobacco or cigarettes, smoking and the purchase and consumption of alcohol in the Club’s premises.
The Principal Member is responsible for the behaviour and conduct of the Junior Member(s) and any of the Junior Members’ Guests. The Junior Member(s) and Guests should not place themselves in situations of personal danger or cause disturbance to other Club Users.
Spouse and Children
A Member’s Spouse, who does not hold a Supplementary Card, and Members’ Children (above 18 years of age) are included in the term “Guests”.
They must be accompanied by the Member when on the Club’s premises.
They will be subject to the Rules and Regulations and Bye-Laws which are applicable to Guests unless specifically stated otherwise.
The Guest Fee set by the Management will apply to the Member’s spouse who is not a Supplementary Member and Non-Member's children above 12 years of age. Member’s children below 18 years of age will not be charged with a Guest Fee.
Membership Cards
Membership cards are issued to all Members as identification cards. Membership cards must be produced at any time when requested by the Club's employees and for the use of any facility on the Club's premises, or for security reasons.
Membership cards are not transferable. Members who are unable to produce their membership cards may be refused entry into the Club and the use of any facility.
Membership cards must be returned to the Club's Membership Department upon termination or transfer of membership.
Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws
The privileges and use of the facilities herein stated are subject to the Club's Rules and Regulations as amended from time to time, at the Management's absolute discretion. The Management may at anytime in its absolute discretion, add, vary or revoke any Bye-Laws. All Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws shall be binding on Members and their Nominees.
Resources (Click to Open):
Addendum to Rules & Regulations
Giro Application
Credit Card Authorisation Form
Absent Member